Sunday, July 27, 2008

Loving on Lilly cont.

Today is Sunday and everything is going good! Lilly is feeling pretty good, although still somewhat fussy from not being able to eat. We have discovered that she has a sweet tooth like her mommy because she loves the sweetwater that they give her to calm her down. Most of the day today she was in and out of sleep, sucking on her passie all day. She was goven tylenol twice to help with her fussiness, but all other nutrients and medications stay the same. Her eyes are looking great as you can tell by the pictures, but still have some drainage that needs to clear up. This evening was one of the best in a long time. Charlie and I were able to hold her. I don't think I have ever felt this happy before or ever seen Charlie this happy. I have shared some pictures of us holding her before the surgery. Also there are some pictures of Lilly looking at her new toy that Charlie and Danielle got for her. She absolutely loves it!!! Keep her in your prayers tomorrow for it will be a big day for her. I will keep everyone posted throughout the surgery about how she is doing. We love you all and hope to be home soon!

Stop pinching my cheek!

Loving her new toy from Daddy and Danielle!

My sweet Angel!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh the little... I am praying for you guys... I am nervous it is like almost 8 in the morning.. CALL ME to let me know what is going on with the surgery.